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- Written by Annette ten Teije
- Category: GeneralDocument
- Hits: 2189
- They must be within 5 years of PhD completion.
- They must have had at least one full-length paper at AIME presented orally in the AIME conference's last five editions.
- The submission must be based on a first-author journal or conference paper in the broad field of AI in Medicine with outstanding quality and novelty in the last five years. We expect the awarded candidates to attend this year's AIME conference and give the invited talk, where AIME will waive the conference fee.
- Details
- Written by Roberto Posenato
- Category: GeneralDocument
- Hits: 6936
- AIME 2025, Pavia, Italy
- AIME 2024, Salt Lake City, USA
- AIME 2023, Portoroz, Slovenia
- AIME 2022, Halifax, Canada
- AIME 2021, virtually Porto, Portugal
- AIME 2020, virtually at University of Minnesota, USA
- AIME 2019, Poznan, Poland
- AIME 2017, Vienna, Austria
- AIME 2015, Pavia, Italy
- AIME 2013, Murcia, Spain
- AIME 2011, Bled, Slovenia
- AIME 2009, Verona, Italy
- AIME 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- AIME 2005, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
- AIME 2003, Protaras, Cyprus
- AIME 2001, Cascais, Portugal
- AIME 1999, Aalborg, Denmark
- AIME 1997, Grenoble, France
- AIME 1995, Pavia, Italy
- AIME 1993, Munich, Germany
- AIME 1991, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- AIME 1989, London, United Kingdom
- AIME 1987, Marseilles, France
- AIME 1985, Pavia, Italy
- Details
- Written by Lucia Sacchi
- Category: GeneralDocument
- Hits: 6121
Constitution of AIME Board
Revision history:
- First version: Carlo Combi, Verona, July 2009.
- Second, revised version: Niels Peek, Manchester, June 2014.
- Third revised version: Niels Peek, Manchester, June 2017
- Fourth revised version: John Holmes, Philadelphia, June 2019
- Fifth revised version: John Holmes, Porto (virtual), June 2021
- AIME stands for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
- The purpose of the AIME Board is to organise the AIME Conference and to make decisions on related matters.
- The Board shall have a Chair and a Vice-Chair.
- If it is necessary to reach a decision by voting, each member of the Board will have one vote, including the Chair, who in addition has a casting vote in the case of a tie.
- The quorum for meetings of the Board shall be seven or one third of its membership (rounded to the nearest integer), whichever is the larger.
- a. New members are initially appointed to the Board by the existing members for a term of six years. Members of the Board whose term of appointment has expired are eligible for reappointment for a further period of not more than six years. They are not then eligible for further immediate reappointment.
b. In principle, new members are recruited from the Programme Committee of the most recent AIME Conference, with a preference for PC members who attended the meeting in person.
c. When appointing new members to the Board and the Programme Committee, a maximal spread in expertise and geography is aimed for. - Meetings of the Board shall be convened by the Chair giving at least one month's notice. The Board will normally meet during the AIME conference but the Chair shall have the authority to convene additional meetings at other times. Such additional meetings may be virtual or may consist of interactions by email.
- Anyone who wishes to host an AIME conference should submit a proposal to the Chair of the Board at least two years and one month in advance. The proposal should include:
- Name, affiliation and short CV of Local Organiser, including an indication of experience in running scientific events;
- City and venue for the conference;
- Possible dates for the conference;
- Information about ease of travel, accommodation, etc;
- The available infrastructure and other resources at the Local Organiser's institution that will contribute to the organisation of the conference;
- A preliminary budget, including estimated attendance rates;
- A detailed plan from the Local Organizer thatindicates how AIME will be indemnified against loss of deficit arising from the conference. This plan should clearly state how such loss would be covered, such who would be responsible a statement of the amount of funding available and encumbered to cover such loss, and if needed, a letter from the Local Organizer’s institution. A letter of support from the Local Organiser's institution, confirming that they will cover any deficit arising from organising the conference.
- At the AIME conference, the Board will make the following decisions concerning the next conference:
- the approximate date, duration and location
- the Local Organiser;
- the Scientific Chair (or co-Chairs);
- the organiser of the Doctoral Consortium (this will normally be the immediate past Local Organiser or Scientific Chair).
The Board may also express its views about the structure of the next conference; the Scientific Chair and the Local Organiser are expected to take these into account.
- The Chair of the Board is elected by the Board once every four years from the organisers (Local Organiser, Scientific Chair, and organiser of the Doctoral Consortium) of the most recent AIME Conferences, held in the past four years (including the current one). The candidate who receives the most votes will become the Chair, and the candidate with next-highest number of votes will become the Vice Chair. The term of office shall start at the conclusion of the Board meeting where the Chair is elected.
- Anyone who is appointed to the position of Scientific Chair or Local Organiser and who is not a member of the Board automatically becomes a member of the Board with effect from the date of appointment. The Board at its meetings can appoint additional members. The number of members of the Board will not normally exceed 24.
- The principal joint duties of the Scientific Chair and the Local Organiser are:
- to appoint the Programme Committee;
- to issue the call for papers and for associated workshops and tutorials;
- to decide which workshops and/or tutorials will take place;
- to draw up the detailed programme for the conference.
- The principal duties of the Scientific Chair are:
- to appoint the publisher of the proceedings;
- to appoint the reviewers;
- to send papers out for review and to collect the reviews;
- in consultation with the Local Organiser and with any other members of the Board as (s)he may decide upon, to select papers and other presentations;
- to receive final versions of the papers to be published in the proceedings and to ensure with the publisher that the publication is available at the conference;
- to appoint a chair for each session.
- The principal duties of the Local Organiser are:
- to organise suitable accommodation for the sessions of the conference, workshops and tutorials;
- to organise appropriate publicity;
- to maintain the conference web-site;
- to propose suitable accommodation for delegates;
- to organise appropriate catering and social events;
- to make appropriate arrangements for registration both in advance and on-site;
- in general, to ensure the smooth running of the conference;
- to handle all financial arrangements associated with the conference.
- Any irreconcilable disagreement between the Scientific Chair and the Local Organiser shall be referred to the Chair of the Board who will arbitrate and, if necessary, make the final decision.
- The financing of the conference shall be entirely in the hands of the current Local Organiser, with any deficit being met locally and not by the Board or the Society.
- Funding for student travel
- Funding to support travel costs for students presenting in the Doctoral Consortium shall be provided on an as-available basis.
- Sources of funding include a given year’s AIME conference budget or a fund that has been established at and managed by the Department of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia.
- The Local Organiser has the option of providing funding directly from that year’s conference budget.
- The Local Organiser has the option of donating surplus funds to the fund at the University of Pavia in order to maintain a balance sufficient to support student travel in future years.
- Specific to the fund at the University of Pavia:
- Requests to use the fund at the University of Pavia will be made by the current Doctoral Consortium Chair and submitted to the current Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board for their approval.
- Deposits to and withdrawals from this fund will be documented and reported to the Board as they are made.
- A full financial statement, indicating deposits, withdrawals, and student awardees will be provided to the AIME Board within 60 days of the end of the conference for any given year.
- The fund shall exist as long as it has a positive balance.
- Any proposed changes in the constitution must be notified by the Chair to members of the Board at least one month before the meeting at which they are to be considered. At that meeting they must receive the approval of at least two thirds of those members attending (rounded to the nearest integer) in order to be accepted.
- The Board may be dissolved in one of two ways:
- by a motion of dissolution at a meeting of the Board approved by at least two thirds of those members attending (rounded to the nearest integer);
- by failure of the Chair to constitute a quorate meeting on three successive attempts to do so.
Current board members :
John Holmes
Mar Marcos
Allan Tucker
Milos Hauskrecht
Annette ten Teije (Chair)
Pepe Juarez
Szymon Wilk
Robert Moskovitch (Vice-Chair)
Syed Sibte Raze Abidi
Pedro Henriques Abreu
Enea Parimbelli
Martin Michalowski
Arianna Dagliati
Joseph Finkelstein
Gregor Štiglic
Beatriz Lopez
Huang Zhengxing
Former board members:
Ameen Abu-Hanna (until 2015)
Steen Andreassen (until 2013)
Pedro Barahona (until 2011)
Riccardo Bellazzi (until 2015)
Carlo Combi (until 2015)
Amar Das (until 2019)
Stefan Darmoni (until 2023)
Michel Dojat (until 2013)
John Fox (until 2011)
Catherine Garbay (until 2011)
Werner Horn (until 2011)
Katharina Kaiser (until 2015)
Elpida Keravnou-Papailliou (until 2011)
Roque Marin Morales (until 2019)
Nada Lavrac (until 2013)
Peter Lucas (until 2013)
Silvia Miksch (until 2013)
Stefania Montani (until 2023)
Mark Musen (until 2011)
Barbara Oliboni (until 2023)
Niels Peek (until 2017)
Mor Peleg (until 2017)
Christian Popow (until 2019)
Silvana Quaglini (until 2013)
David Riano (until 2022)
Lucia Sacchi (until 2021)
Yuval Shahar (until 2015)
Mario Stefanelli (until 2011)
Paolo Terenziani (until 2021)
Samson Tu (until 2017)
Blaz Zupan (until 2017)
For the purpose of ensuring a proper rotation of the membership, the following individuals will retire in the next years, unless they are reappointed for a second six-year term (Art. 6):
2023: Pepe Juarez
Barbara Oliboni
Stefania Montani
Szymon Wilk
Stefan Darmoni
2025:Robert Moskovitch
Syed Sibte Raza Abidi
Pedro Henriques Abreu
Allan Tucker (appointed for second term 2019-2025)
Mar Marcos (appointed for second term 2019-2025)
Milos Hauskrecht (appointed for second term 2019-2025)
John Holmes (appointed for second term 2019-2025)
2027: Martin Michalowski
Arianna Dagliati
Enea Parimbelli
Annette ten Teije (appointed second term 2021-2027)
2028: Joseph Finkelstein
2030: Pepe Juarez (appointed for second term 2024-2030)
Szymon Wilk (appointed for second term 2024-2030)
Beatriz Lopez
Huang Zhengxing
- Details
- Written by Roberto Posenato
- Category: GeneralDocument
- Hits: 6810
Current AIME Board Members
- John Holmes
- Mar Marcos
- Allan Tucker
- Milos Hauskrecht
- Annette ten Teije (Chair)
- Pepe Juarez
- Szymon Wilk
- Robert Moskovitch (Vice-Chair)
- Syed Sibte Raze Abidi
- Pedro Henriques Abreu
- Enea Parimbelli
- Martin Michalowski
- Arianna Dagliati
- Joseph Finkelstein (since 2022)
- Gregor Štiglic
- Beatriz Lopez
- Huang Zhengxing
AIME Board Members 2021-2023
John Holmes
Mar Marcos
Allan Tucker
Milos Hauskrecht
Annette ten Teije (Chair)
David Riano
Pepe Juarez
Barbara Oliboni
Stefania Montani
Szymon Wilk
Stefan Darmoni
Robert Moskovitch (Vice-Chair)
Syed Sibte Raze Abidi
Pedro Henriques Abreu
Enea Parimbelli
Martin Michalowski
Arianna Dagliati
Joseph Finkelstein (since 2022)
Gregor Štiglic
AIME Board Members 2019-2021
Mor Peleg
Niels Peek
Blaz Zupan
Samson Tu
John Holmes
Mar Marcos
Allan Tucker
Milos Hauskrecht
Lucia Sacchi
Annette ten Teije
Paolo Terenziani
David Riano
Jose M. Juarez
Barbara Oliboni
Stefania Montani
Szymon Wilk
Robert Moskovitch
Syed Sibte Raza Abidi
Pedro Henriques Abreu
AIME Board Members 2017-2019
Mor Peleg
Niels Peek
Blaz Zupan
Samson Tu
John Holmes
Mar Marcos
Christian Popow
Amar Das
Allan Tucker
Milos Hauskrecht
Roque Marin Morales
Lucia Sacchi
Annette ten Teije
Paolo Terenziani
David Riano
Jose M. Juarez
Barbara Oliboni
Stefania Montani
Szymon Wilk
AIME Board Members 2015-2017
Amar Das, USA
Milos Hasukrecht, USA
John Holmes, USA
Mar Marcos, ES
Roque Marin Morales, ES
Niels Peek, UK (chair)
Mor Peleg, IL
Christian Popow, A
David Riaño, ES
Lucia Sacchi, IT
Annette Ten Teije, NL
Paolo Terenziani, IT
Samson Tu, USA
Allan Tucker, UK
Blaz Zupan, SL
AIME Board Members 2013-2015
Ameen Abu-Hanna, NL
Riccardo Bellazzi, IT
Carlo Combi, IT
Amar Das, USA
Milos Hasukrecht, USA
John Holmes, USA
Katharina Kaiser, A
Mar Marcos, ES
Roque Marin Morales, ES
Niels Peek, UK (chair)
Mor Peleg, IL
Christian Popow, A
Yuval Shahar, IL
Samson Tu, USA
Allan Tucker, UK
Blaz Zupan, SL
AIME Board Members 2011-2013
Ameen Abu-Hanna, NL
Steen Andreassen, DK
Riccardo Bellazzi, IT
Carlo Combi, IT (chair)
Amar Das, USA
Michel Dojat, FR
Milos Hauskrecht, USA
John Holmes, USA
Katharina Kaiser, A
Nada Lavrac, SL
Peter Lucas, NL
Mar Marcos, ES
Roque Marin Morales, ES
Silvia Miksch, A
Niels Peek, NL
Mor Peleg, IL
Christian Popow, A
Silvana Quaglini, IT
Yuval Shahar, IL
Samson Tu, USA
Allan Tucker, UK
Blaz Zupan, SL
AIME Board Members 2009-2011
Ameen Abu-Hanna
Steen Andreassen
Pedro Barahona
Riccardo Bellazzi
Carlo Combi (Chair)
Michel Dojat
John Fox
Catherine Garbay
Werner Horn
Elpida Keravnou-Papailliou
Nada Lavrac (Vice Chair)
Peter Lucas
Silvia Miksch
Mark Musen
Niels Peek
Mor Peleg
Silvana Quaglini
Yuval Shahar
Mario Stefanelli
Samson Tu
Blaz Zupan
- Details
- Written by Roberto Posenato
- Category: GeneralDocument
- Hits: 53199
The Society for Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine (AIME), was established in 1986 with two main goals:
- to foster fundamental and applied research in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to medical care and medical research, and
- to provide a forum for reporting significant results achieved at biennial conferences.
A major activity of this society has been a series of international conferences, from Marseille (FR) in 1987 to Pavia (IT) in 2015, held biennially over the last 28 years.